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Who is Hania?

Motivational Muses Exclusive Feature | by Zoe Waggitt

Photo by: Ethan Newmyer

Hania is an electro-pop artist based in Boston, Massachusetts, who has been interested in listening to and creating music since the age of 5. Music presented itself to her through her sister’s piano teacher. She has them to thank for the starting her musical journey. Hania’s mother bought her a guitar at a young age, and the rest is history, despite the fact it took her a little while to decide where to go from there.

“I had no idea what I was doing or if it was going to be something I wanted to do in the future. I danced and sang in front of my mirror, thinking “I’m so good,” and I’d perform for whoever would listen.”

Back at the end of 2018, Hania began the endeavour of making a career out of music, as she wanted to share the pure passion, she had for creating.

“When I think back to how I got into music I feel like everything happened in such an organic way. I truly liked what I was doing, and I felt a constant need to feed the crave I had. I wanted to learn, create, and make the best of every opportunity given to me”

An extremely young artist, Hania describes her music as “a mixture of soft melodies, wavy instruments, and electronic touches.” Soft electronica is an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one. Hania successfully creates this vibe in her sophomore single You, which was released on May 1st. Despite being released only last week, the single has been in the works for the last ten months.

“I wrote You during the summer of 2019 and something about it stood out from the rest of the songs I was working on at the time… Creating You was a lot of fun since it’s a track you can’t help dancing to.”

To create this single, Hania collaborated with Norwegian producer Bendik Cuetrek, and the pair spent endless time in the studio together putting together the final result.

“I love working with Bendik. His ideas bring something unexpected to the song but still compliment my style very well… We bounced ideas off of each other.”

Writing music is obviously an exciting process, and listening to the end result provides great joy, knowing that you’ve created a piece of… well, art, for people to immerse themselves in. Hania clearly enjoyed this process of creation too, finding solace and inspiration in artists such as Dua Lipa.

“I think my favourite moment was listening to all the reference tracks we used as inspiration. I love the excitement and creative urge you get when you start a new song.”

As mentioned previously, You is Hania’s sophomore single, and she first became entirely familiar with the production of music when creating her debut, Self Care, which was accompanied with visuals created by pleasant childhood memories – a wholesome track.

“I loved the creative process behind the visuals of Self Care. I shot it in a place called “Czech Paradise,” not too far from where I grew up. My father would take us there almost every weekend during the summer, so the location felt very familiar and brought nothing but good memories.”

Only five months into the year, and we’ve already had two pieces of music from Hania, and the reception from both have been positive. Every artist feels a sense of achievement when their music is out in the world, and knowing it’s being listened to by strangers from all over the place can elevate this sense of pride, which is all Hania really takes from being a musician.

“I never thought about my music journey in terms of achievements. The moments I value most are when people talk to me about how my music made them feel. It might seem very cliché, but it is by far the most rewarding thing.”

As well as a musical journey, creating also takes people on a personal journey; the time in which they learn things about themselves and maybe even find their niche, which is exactly how it has impacted our Hania, and it left her feeling a little vulnerable.

“Music has helped me discover what I’m really passionate about. As everything does, it took me some time to understand which parts of it make me feel comfortable yet challenged. You get to decide which parts are worth sharing with the world and how vulnerable you want to be with your audience.”

With every rise comes a fall, with every high comes a low, and with every task comes a challenge. Starting up in the music industry can be daunting – there are so many fresh new artists competing with each other to get their sound heard and get themselves recognised; listeners never really know the full story; they just enjoy the music. One of the biggest hardships Hania faces is being told “no,” and I think we can all relate to that one just a little bit.

“It seems like pursuing a career in music is something full of secrets and unanswered questions; it’s definitely not an easy path to take. Hearing “no” is just a part of my day now, and music is a career of disappointments and challenged but I love all the hardships it comes with. I feel so lucky to be able to create music in the first place so I accept the fact it’s never going to be easy; I’ll always do my best to keep the passionate spark I have and not let it die!”

Our time with Hania has drawn to a close, which means, it is time for a fun fact about this on the rise artist!

We all aspire to have that idealist love, the one you see in films where the guy gets his dream girl, the one where we find our happily ever after. It’s a common topic to write about in music as it’s one that tugs on the heart strings of many, and Hania has taken that idea and held onto it all the way through her career.

“I can’t get out of the habit of writing about idealist love. Every time I hear a new track all I can think of is two people, madly in love, willing to do everything for each other. The thing is that the music sonically compliments that idea very well, but I think it’s time to move on.”

We all love a love story, but sometimes there’s only so many times we can break our own hearts with our work. Hearing that, I can’t wait to see what direction Hania goes in next.


Advice from Hania

Stop listening to so much advice, go create and do what you really want to do!


Connect with Hania.


©2022 by Motivational Muses.

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